Hello again!! Are you interested in Mozart?! Here you will find some interesting information about him.
-Mozart could write music before he could write words.
-He wrote half the number of total symphonies he would create between the ages of 8 and 19.
-Wolfgang Mozart’s second name, Theophilus, means “loved by God” in Greek. He liked to use the Latin translation, “Amadeus".
-He traveled extensively. He spent 14 of his 36 years away from home.
-He had several pets, including a dog, a starling, a canary, and a horse.
-His wife destroyed many of his sketches and drafts after his death.
-Mozart was a tenor. He was also left handed.
-He wrote more music in his short career than many other composers who lived much longer.
-According to Mozart’s wife, Constanze, at the end of Mozart’s life, he believed that he was being poisoned and he was composing his Requiem for himself. He died before finishing it. His student Franz Süssmayr completed the work, and it is this version that is most often heard today. Scholars still debate which parts Mozart truly wrote.
I'd recommend you to listen to his Requiem. I think that you will like it.
See you! :)
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